Πέμπτη 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Road to Quatre Bras, Turn 1 results

Adding up the results of the 3 battles, the situation is as follows:

The British have advanced on the left flank, while the French advance on the centre and right flanks. Next Turn will be a flanking maneuver (Left) for the British, a direct assault on Quatre Bras (Centre) and a river crossing (Right) for the French. Advancing away from their campsites results in a delay on their reserves

Casualty reports: Each broken or shaken battalion runs the risk of being destroyed for the rest of the campaign, on a roll of 3-4 it becomes smaller (small/tiny), on a 5-6 it is destroyed. The victor can also destroy one enemy unit for each cavalry unit that is not shaken/broken. Cavalry from the defeated side can cancel this rout on a 1:1 ratio
After 3 battles, the British have lost 4 infantry and 3 artillery, while an infantry and 3 light Horses became small.
The French have lost 3 infantry, while an infantry and a light horse became small.
This means that the French will have the upper hand in artillery duels, but on the other branches the British can still hold tight.

As the Turn ends, the opposing generals can allocate reinforcements from their reserve towards their 3 fronts.

Road to Quatre Bras, Turn 1, game 3

Napoleonic campaign, the last game of turn 1 was played during November, so I can't recall many details. The French managed to get a  nice victory. However, had the British maintained a defensive stance, things would be really tough for their enemies.

French deployment. Attack columns formed, heavy cavalry to force the
enemy into squares

British deployment. If they stood behind the marshes, they would be hard to shift

Infantry columns and Scots Greys (they are yet to prove their worth)

The enemies meet! The French having both quantity and quality on this flank,
they pushed hard.

The other flank. This French brigade withstood a murderous fusilade from the enemy infantry
and those attempted charges by the Scots Greys.
Cumulative results after Turn 1, the French have 2 victories to a single British, while casualties are heavier for the British