Δευτέρα 2 Νοεμβρίου 2015

FOW Firestorm Caen 31/10/15

The race for Caen has begun! Having established a beachhead, the 4th Canadian Armored Division leads a dash through the enemy lines, encountering a Luftwaffe Feldkompanie.
Mission: No Retreat!
Attacker: Canadian Armoured Squardon (Turning Tide) CT
HQ  2 Shermans + ARV
Armoured platoon (3 Sherman + Firefly)
Armoured platoon (3 Sherman + Firefly)
Armoured platoon (2 Sherman + Firefly) (Firestorm troop)
SPAT platoon (4 M10C)
Lorried Rifle platoon Full
Rifle platoon Full (Firestorm troop)
Artillery Battery (2 Sextons)
Priority Air (Typhoon)

Defender: Luftwaffe Feldkompanie (Earth & Steel) RT
HQ + panzerknacker+panzerschreck+sniper
3x LW Jäger platoons (full)
LW Mortar platoon
LW HMG platoon
LW AT platoon (3 pak40)
LW Pioneer platoon (full+ wagon)
Heer Panzer Platoon (3 PzIV)
Heer  Artillery Platoon (4x 12.2cm)
LW Heavy AA platoon (2x88s)
Heer Rocket Launcher platoon (3 NW)
Heer Stug platoon (Firestorm troop)

The Canadian armor deploys avoiding the bocage terrain, except a rifle platoon which will try to outflank the enemy from the right.
Footsloggers will advance behind tanks, the bulk of which will advance straight to the objective.
All quiet on the right flank. Arty positions here, a rifle platoon is to their right, the opposite village is defended by a LW Jäger platoon
The Germans cover the frontal objective with the LW pioneers (who lay a minefield before them), the other infantry platoon covers the village with the aid of 3 Heer Panzers. Pak40s are in ambush, 88s deploy on the rear hill covering the rear objective, along with the artillery battery.
The objective of the main Allied thrust, it is defended py pioneers who have just laid a minefield.
Turn 1, Canadian armor bursts forward into the wheatfield, followed by double-timing infantry. Fire on the move gets 2 pioneer stands. The Typhoons, in lack of a better target, strafe the 88s. A single 88, being out of range of the approaching armor, fires against the planes but misses. As do the Typhoons, who were absolutely miserable for the whole game.
On the german turn, no reserves, Pak ambush is revealed in the woods behind the pioneers. Combined AT fire destroys 3 shermans, while the Panzers' "shoot-and-scoot" claims another sherman and a M10C.

Turn 2, all available gun barrels (damn that "no HE" issue), air and artillery strike at the Pak40s, killing just one. Infantry masses in the wheatfields to prepare for an assault next turn. The leftwards Rifle platoon clears off the bocage and closes with the opposite enemy platoon.
The Germans bring on the 2-Stug platoon, which misses the Sherman concentration in the field. Tanks being crammed inside the field presents a lucrative target for the german artillery, and combined with the AT assets, they destroy 4 tanks (maybe more).
Turn 3, sherman break the Pak40 platoon, Fireflies pin the pioneers and infantry hits home. They kill 3 stands and the LW breaks off. Having failed their stormtrooper move, panzers pay the price as semi-indirect fire destroys the platoon in 2 turns.
Germans keep shooting at tanks, pioneers fail to unpin despite the CO joining them, Nebelwerfers enter the game and prepare to fire. Jäger platoon opens up at the lone rifle platoon and, despite having a HMG, they only kill a stand, and prepare themselves for the inevitable enemy assault.
The Canadian infantry have just broken through, Allied tanks have already paid a bloody price.
Devastation at the wheatfield. No allied tank will escape the place, except the puny Sherman ARV!

Turn 4, The flanking rifle platoon, combined with an armoured platoon, assaults the LW Jägers and destroys them, then wheels to flank the pioneer platoon. The other rifle platoon succeeds again in assaulting the pioneers guarding the objective but whiffs, only killing 2 stands, and are destroyed in the counterattack. The Luftwaffe pioneer platoon starting at 12 stands (full platoon+HMG+schreck) held firm, and blocked the way to the objective, Typhoons attack the Stug platoon, destroying one (that's the only kill for the airforce)
Allied infantry has just been destroyed in front of the objective, still too many pioneer guarding it.
The German gunline... A Stug has just been destroyed by a Typhoon.

German turn, while the tension slightly eases for the LW pioneers, the danger of another flanking attack is imminent and there aren't any other forward elements to support them. Nebelwerfers pin the rifle platoon, 12,2cm artillery pound the remaining armour in the field (CO and 2 M10C). They are all destroyed, the Canadian CO barely manages to survive and joins a sherman ARV (!!!)
Turn 5, Canadians are below half strength, CO fails the test and quits the field. Göring's troops carried the day!
Kill tally for the german gunners. Still, the Canadians might have claimed the objective with an infantry flank attack, had their CO not called off the attack.

In that damned wheatfield, 8 Shermans, 2 Fireflies and 4 M10Cs lay destroyed.
The Germans lost 3 platoons, so that is a 4-3 victory to the Axis.

Πέμπτη 9 Απριλίου 2015

BFG: Siege of Corilia, Prelude

The Astropath Primaris had been in a trance for some minutes. Undisturbed as he was, he travelled through the Void, seeking any vision, an echo, anything that would reveal a sign in the future. Dum, dum, dum, bright and vibrant. Then he suddenly opened his eyes. "I sense great danger, something is approaching fast through the Ghoul Stars Nebula."
He need not say anything else. Messengers were quickly dispatched. General Staff arranged meetings. Planetary Militia started mobilizing. Orbital stations were put on high alert. Sector Fleet Command issued a concentration Primary Order.
There could be only one to emerge from the Ghoul Stars. The planet was in the path of a Waagh Fleet.

Planet Corilia is an important cog in the general defence planning of Subsector Cydonia. Numerous ore mines produce high quality resources for the various manufactorums, their chimneys never ceasing to spew combustion gases. Promethium is flowing from derricks near Hive Primaris, its volumes so great that it has created an artificial lake, waiting to be used or transported elsewhere. Four perimetrical hive cities provide the needed labour for the adjacent facilities, while the vast Hive Primaris is the seat of government and administration, as well as general coordination of production, logistics and surface defences. Each defence sector is served and secured by an orbital base, where fleet maintainance is performed.
Any attacker will have to get through the starports' defences before dropping troops on the surface, where six regiments of the local Imperial Guard are waiting in prepared positions.

Campaign Forces:

Battleforce Ignus
Emperor class Battleship Deliverance 365
Vengeance class Grand Cruiser Venerable 230
Mars class Cruiser Colossus 260
Jovian class (carrier) Cruiser Basilisk 260
Tyrant class Cruiser Ardent 180
Tyrant class Cruiser Apollo 180
Tyrant class Cruiser Neptune 180
Lunar class Crusier Fury 180
Lunar class Crusier Cavalier 180
Lunar class Crusier Reaper 180
Lunar class Crusier Tracker 180
Dauntless class Light Cruiser Hound 110
Dauntless class Light Cruiser Hunter 110
Escort squadron x12 420

Waagh Fleet
Space Hulk Green Haven 550
Hammer class Battlecruiser Smasha 245
Hammer class Battlecruiser Crusha 245
4 Roks 320
Smasha Battlegroup
Terror Ship Nazdreg 175
Terror Ship Muzgob 175
Terror Ship Gobbla 175
Terror Ship 175
Terror Ship 175
Kill Kroozer Bomba 150
3x4 Onslaught (1 destr) 360
3x4 Brute (1 destr) 300
10 Transports
Crusha Battlegroup
Kill Kroozer Ork Royal 150
Kill Kroozer Splitta 150
Kill Kroozer Krooza 150
Terror Ship Marauder 175
Terror Ship Da Green Baron 175
Basha Light Kroozer Runt 90
Basha Light Kroozer Sneaky 90
Basha Light Kroozer Hunta 90
Basha Light Kroozer Rusty 90
3x4 Brute 300
3x4 Onslaught 360
3x3 Grunt 270
10 Transports

First contact was made. Three Lunar class Cruisers responding to the Concentration order encountered a small Ork raider warband. After an intense battle, the raiders were annihilated (2 terror ships, 4 Brutes, 4 Onslaughts) while the Navy had a cruiser crippled (Tracker) and minor damage to the others. The victorious squardon made haste towards their spaceport.
Captain Stradden reports:
When they spotted us, they poured towards us, ever-thirsty for battle, as anyone would expect from the accursed Orks. Their morale was high. My squadron engaged them following the Navy's standard procedures, scattering their escorts with a combined salvo of MK-IV torpedoes, then opening at the Terror ships with the broadside batteries. Forwarding tactical conclusions to Fleet Command: Their battle-lust keeps until they are half-beaten. They then turn tail as any other worthless xeno in the universe. Ork coordination seems to be lacking, attack-craft launch times varied wildly and their formations are inflexible. Our lack of anti-aircraft protection proved costly.

Δευτέρα 9 Μαρτίου 2015

FOW Armored Clash

FOW Resurrection..
Summer 1944, the Allies are pushing through the Cotentin Peninsula. A company of the US 2nd Armored is tasked with capturing a small but tactically significant village. What a coincidence, elements of a german Panzer division are closing to secure the crossroads.
Due to lack of space, the table was 4x3, reducing the possibilities of flanking maneuvers (or leading to that soft side 5 of a panther)
US Tank Co. (Turning Tide)
HQ -  2 Sherman
4 M4 Shermans
4 M4(76mm) Shermans
Tank Destroyer Platoon (4 M10)
Rifle Platoon (3 squads)
Arm. Field Artillery Platoon (3xPriests)

Panzer Kompanie (Earth & Steel, but swapping PzIVs to StugIVs)
HQ - 2 StugIV
3 StugIV
3 PanzerIV
3 Panthers
Heavy AA Platoon (2x88s with extra crew)
Mot. Artillery Platoon (4x10,5 guns)

German Deployment (back row:Artillery-AA. Front: PzIV, Panthers, StugIV, CO-2iC between the units)
US Deployment (Infantry and M4s to the left, Priests to the rear, M4(76) and TDs to the right)
 2 Objectives are placed mid-table, to be captured past 3rd turn, mobile battle, prepared positions Rules.
The Germans get the first turn and surge forward. Narrow lanes prevent direct shots, but the Panzers will be in stationary positions when the Americans make their move.
On the US turn, the left forces apply pressure to the opposite Stug platoon, infantry wades through the shallow river, while the tank platoon climbs the bridge and prepares for some stabilized shots. TDs cross the enclosed field ready to bring the M10s forth nexdt turn, while the 76mm Shermans move to target the PzIVs. All US shooting is completely ineffective, missing or bouncing against enemy armor. The Priests manage a ToT bombardment on the Stugs, but the enemies save. They should prepare for some serious pain..
Except some minor moves, German armor, arty and 88s unleash hell against the Yanks. But this is when US Veteran rating pays out.. Panthers, PzIVs and Stug 2iC fail to hit the 76mm-Shermans, while on the bridge the combined fire of Stugs and 88s manages 5 bail-outs, and not a single burning Sherman! Asserting the situation, German artillery ranges on the advancing infantry and bridge-Shermans, but only kills the M32 TRV...
Turn2, an unsuccessful shooting phase for the Germans. (Poor recovery vehicle..)
During the US 2nd turn all hell breaks loose. CnC remounts and helps all other Shermans bail-in, what a Commander! The TDs are brought forth and brace the hedgerows, Infantry advances, confident that the opponent's tanks face more immediate threats rather than MG-ing them.
The 2iC throws a smoke-screen against a Panther. 76mm fire only bails a PzIV, but TD shots destroy the remaining 2 PzIVs of the platoon. On the lower part of the map, 75mm fire destroys one Stug and bails the other 2, forcing the German CO to take a risky decision. The northern PzIV platoon fails the test and flees. So does the southern Stug platoon. Their adjacent Commander, not wanting to be left with only 3 Panthers, joins them for a re-roll, but fails. The German force is left with only the Panther platoon as an offensive unit, and pulls the plug.
6-1 to the Americans
(It could be 5-2, if the Panthers did something on their next turn, but judging from their general performance.. next time Fritz! )
End Game.. A moment before the 2 German platoons fail their motivation and leg it